I understand it's hard trying to balance real world problems and the internet.but can't we get some sort of status update at least? any idea if crowchild is even working on this any more? The guy hasnt touched his page since he phased into another plane of existence (again) two months ago. (12-12-09) I think the " Up to the minute" part the fur affinity link at the bottom should be edited.(2-26-11) HTH2 has been updated with new graphics and a new GUI.Thanks for Playing! Updates will continue through 2012. Please visit out FA page in the meantime. (1-2-12) The HTH STudios website is currently having some issues.10 High Tail Hall has been officially renamed to New Cyana.9 OpenHTH needs to be given its own article.7 This page needs to be updated, as well as revised.